instruments use in gynecology & obstetrics

Cervical  dilator

         Cervical  dilator  use  to induce dilation  of  cervix     



 Uterine sound

It is use to detect weather uterus  is anti / retroverted


A curette is a surgical instrument designed for scraping biological tissue or debris in a biopsy, excision, or cleaning procedure. In form, the curette is a small hand tool, often similar in shape to a stylus; at the tip of the curette is a small scoop, hook, or gouge. The verb to curette means to scrape with a curette.
. Surgeons often use a curette for the debridement of tissue, a common example of which is dilation and curettage of the uterus performed in gynaecology.

Episiotomy  scissor

Use  to  put an episiotomy cuts  during deliveries

Vaginal   Speculums

Use to  inspect  vaginal cavity during vaginal examination , also  speculum placed  in  vagina during vaginal  surgeries   with  the patient in  the  lithotomy  position.  Several  types

Sim s  speculum

Cosco s  bivalve speculum

Myoma  screw

It  is used  in surgeries  to  remove benign tumors in uterus  (myoma) such  as fibroids. It  can be done  abdominally or  vaginally.

It is  use to hear  fetal  heart sound during  prenancy


A colposcope is used to identify visible clues suggestive of abnormal tissue. It functions as a lighted binocular microscope to magnify the view of the cervix, vagina, and vulvar surface. Low power  may be used to obtain a general impression of the surface architecture. Medium and high  powers are utilized to evaluate the vagina and cervix. The higher powers are often necessary to identify certain vascular patterns that may indicate the presence of more advanced pre-cancerous or cancerous lesions. Colposcopy is performed with the patient lying back, legs in stirrups,

Ventouse  vacuum  extractor

 is a vacuum device used to assist the delivery of a baby when the second stage of labour has not progressed adequately. It is an alternative to a forceps delivery and caesarean section. It cannot be used when the baby is in the breech position or for premature births. This technique is also called vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery or vacuum extraction (VE). The use of VE is generally very safe, but it can occasionally have negative effects on either the mother and the child.

Delivery  forceps

They  having  2 branches (parts)  that  are  position  around  the  fetal  head. These  2  branches having  locking  mechanism  at  theiry  articulation . branches having curve blades  helps grab the fetal head  firmly  but  not  tightly. They are  in  several  names.

 Wrigley s forceps

use  in out let delivery,  when the fetal  head  reach  the  floor  of  the Perineum.                                              

 Pipers  forceps                                   


veress needle

It  is  a spring  loaded  needle,  use  to  create pneumoperitoneum  for  laparoscopic  surgery

Wilkinson canula

   During  hysterosalpingogram this    narrow metal cannula is inserted through the cervical opening  ,Contrast is slowly injected through the cannula uterine cavity


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